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Showing posts from March, 2012


On the Thursday just prior to our Alabama Tandem Weekend, I violated the primary law of tandem riding. I cross a wet railroad track at a less than optimum angle and crashed both Bev and myself. Unlike many accidents where you can see it coming in slow motion, the crash was nearly instantaneous. I was upright and suddenly, my helmet struck the ground. As I lay there in the moments after the crash, I thought we'd been hit by something. I wanted to just lie there but my first coherent thought was Bev, so I struggled up to see to her. Our riding companions had gathered around to help. She was stunned and said she felt like blacking out. I called Cheryl to come take her to the ED. I knew she would be faster than the ambulance. Her x-rays checked out ok and by that evening, we were all at the Fish Market for dinner. I had hit pretty hard but I kept it to myself. We had the tandem weekend to run. Besides, it wasn't a lot worse than my karate days. I'm still sore here a week later,...