My reviews of past February's point to the same features year after year. I have weight gain that I need to lose. The weather is colder making exercise more of a difficulty. It is wet and rainy just like last year. But this year I have a lot of weight to lose. I've gained so much back over the past two inactive years. Today is another attempt to start working away from the unbridled eating that has put me so overweight. I am fishing to see how I could get my determination in the right spot. I am still having episodes of weakness like I had during the time after the tick episode. I don't know exactly what is happening and I'm pretty sure no one could. I have to move on with whatever strength I can muster. But to lose weight takes more than sacrifice of calories. For me it takes a big calorie burn so I can eat enough to stay happy.
“Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it’s no worse than it is.” ~ Margaret Mitchell