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Showing posts from December, 2020

Productive work days...

 The parts I ordered prior to Christmas have been installed on the 55-66 and the 284. It took a little more to get it on than I had hoped to get them done quickly but the Fuel Lift Pump was reluctant to go on. The spark plugs on the 284 looked good. I don't see a problem in the distributor. I put on the new plug wires just because I ordered them. Tomorrow I put new battery connectors on and see if we can get it to start and run effectively. The 284 didn't run smoothly. Now I'm thinking the carburetor is the problem. Preston is the carb man but I don't know if he knows much about this kind. I'll ask him next visit. I'm thinking the float valve is the problem. The 55-66 is running good and the fuel lift pump shows no leakage. But when we tried to operate the front loader, the bucket wouldn't tilt. I watched some videos about hydraulic problems and went out to attempt to diagnose the problem the next morning. The old Bush Hog loader wasn't anything like the...

The little things...

 Our quick trip to Cullman this week let me discover some problems that had developed. The repair to the 55-66 tractor was good but the fuel lift pump had developed a leak. If it isn't one thing it is another. Additionally, 3 tractor batteries had died. The battery in the zero turn appears to have gone kaput as well. In the house, the battery in the Chromebook had died as well. It was a battery death kind of week. I moved the sprayer and got it working properly but the 284 had developed a miss and so I ordered new plug wires and will install the wires, plugs, and the distributor kit when I'm there next time. Always something to do.