The time was coming. I put up with the discomfort for more than a year. But after two frustrating weeks of discomfort, I made the decision to proceed. I engaged the help of Dr. Appell and had the hip replaced. What seems like a serious surgery was made to sound fairly routine. Post operatively, I was in a bit of pain. The whole recovery process is taking a little longer than I had hoped. At the one week mark, I can walk without the walker fairly well. The operative site is still sore and overnight the joint aches a good bit. But from here forward I suppose I can expect to steadily improve, which wouldn't be the case if I had done nothing. 5/31/21: Day by day I get a little better but I am guarding against overdoing it 6/3/21: I've given up the walker for now. Still being ultra careful when walking. 6/4/21: Doing twice the distance this morning felt uncomfortable. I got up feeling much more well. 6/9/21: Still getting better. 6/13/21: Improved sleep and comfort.
“Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it’s no worse than it is.” ~ Margaret Mitchell