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Showing posts from July, 2021

Becky visits

We finally got together and Becky came to see the farm and visit Maw Maw. This was another work weekend for me. With all the rain I had to get work done between showers. But I got the yard of the old home mowed despite the wet grass. I discovered a problem with the old John Deere that I believe I solved by clearing the vent on the gas cap. The next day I got the tiller tank and carb sorted out. No more leaks. I also bought some conibear traps to go after groundhogs. After setting the game cameras we saw a armadillo at Irene's house. I set a trap and caught a groundhog. I got the bush hog work done between rains and even managed to clear a path around the old barn. Friday morning just before we left, I was going to mow in the garden a bit and discovered a flat on the old mower. I put in a new tube. Hope that gets it done. The old peach tree at the barn was doing its best to produce fruit. Persistent old tree.