There will always be things you don't like about the world, about the people in it, about the things you have to do, and about people who are your family. This is because everyone pursues his own dreams or ideals. Lots of people don't give much thought to the other person. This isn't because they just don't care or because they want to bring you discomfort. It is just a fact that people serve themselves. In life, nature built in some survival instincts that cause mothers or fathers to love and nurture their children. It is hardwired into us and it comes easily for some people. The same is true of a family to some extend. The members of the family carry over these nurturing feelings to the greater group out of a sense of belonging and alikeness. That doesn't mean that people dissappoint you, even close family members. Sometimes we are being hurt by people close to us who never realize. It would be nice if we could read minds. That way we could sense these hurts and do something about it. Sometimes things happen to us in the world that we can take personally. it is my belief that very little of it is meant personal. Oh, it seems personal alright, but it isn't. You just happen to be in the right place to be on the receiving end of something. There are things that happen that we'd like to see changed or different. There has always been an interest in fairness. Someone once said the world isn't fair. It hasn't been in my view. I see people who do horrible things get away with them without punishment. I see people get applause and love who don't really do anything to deserve it. If you dwell on such things, it will only let bitterness grow within you. Bitterness is a poor thing to grow. A little bitterness can spoil the joy in anything. When I walk or ride in the forest, I find where people have disposed of their household trash in piles along the road spoiling the natural beauty. Bitterness is like that. Still much beauty remains but you can't see it for looking at the trash . That's why I have to accept it as it is and try to see the beauty that still remains. It doesn't mean I like it, or approve of it, or will do it myself. Let's say I'm talking about someone who has wronged me. Why forsake the good things that can be drawn from that relationship because of a part I don't like? This is what I call acceptance. There won't be anyone we will like all the time for the rest of our lives. They are going to do stuff that hurts us. They will let us down because they are human. We will let others down because we are human. We will let ourselves down. It is important to recognize that fact and get past it. We have to accept our frailty if we are to get to the "beauty". Philosophers talk about the world having a "duality". If there is beauty then there must be ugly. If there is pleasure, then there must be pain. You get the idea. And nothing comes 100% pure. This is a fact. You have to accept some bad with every good and some ugly with every pretty. But we can't make these conditions responsible for our condition or happiness. That is our own doing. I don't mean making the bad out to be something it isn't. I am talking about changing the perspective to encompass the good. The world is to a large degree controlled by our perception. It is what we make it. Seeing the good in things is like scraping the merangue off our Key Lime pie. I accept that to have things in life we have to work and earn them. That the things worth having don't come easily. Hard work pays off. All education is valuable. I hear people say that they don't care what other people think. It is a good thing to care what good people think of us. The values that work for us as a society make life better for each of us as individuals. We can spend a lot of wasted time trying to get around it, or you can accept and participate in it the way it has worked for time on end.
After my recovery period for Covid, I went to Cullman on Monday the 8th and started catching up on the mowing and farm stuff. Pretty much everything needed mowing. The big tractor made short work on the main north fields and David helped me with the field across from the pond. The grass had grown quite long and with the two week absence, I simply started and mowed all of them. There is always some mowing to do. At least no trees had fallen. There were some indoor projects pending. A couple of shower fixtures had to be replaced. The screen door latch didn't hold and had to be improved. The old JD mower needed a bit of tuning so it would climb better and the mowing deck replaced. And the garden needed to be disked and more corn and okra planted. David should have had a shot on the groundhog at the old house but forgot to check his ammo. The hammer fell on an empty chamber. I got the conibear traps out and caught one of the groundhogs that lived by the spring. David had ...