This morning I got up early and went on a Mountain Bike ride with Mike Sherrill. He had brought his new bike and had been looking forward to riding for some time. Of course that mean't a short night of sleep for me. I got in about 12:10 and went to bed quickly. I awoke before the alarm and got up and went to his Mom's house to pick him up. Then we were off to the Skyway Motorway. We rode an easy 12 miles and then I got back home to rest and eat before work at 2pm. I was fortunate in one sense. I got a flat on my bike. It was the first in many years. I didn't have to break down and fix it, I was close enough to the finish to just air it up once and roll down to the truck, walking it the last 300 or so yards. I am lucky that I didn't have the trouble miles back that way but I did have the fixit kit and pump so all would have worked out. Today was perfect as to temperature. Riding early in the morning with only the shirt and shorts! Surely Spring is here!
Tomorrow he wants to ride again. This time I have a little more time to spare. We can do a longer run. I wonder if he would like to ride the side closest to Talladega Creek. Actually I think he would be happy riding anywhere. The views off of the Skyway Motorway helped make the day this morning. Other rides don't have the views but have other objects of interest.
Now I am tired. That long ride this morning has worn me down. I'll rest tonight. Also I forgot my Palm today for the first time. I'll have to keep up with my foods tonight and enter them later. I didn't pick it up to bring to work. Darn!