Well, at this point I've done all I can do to get us to the Bike Safari. Now whether or not we have a good time is entirely up to fate. I hope this isn't another Presley vacation! The long term forecast is for much warmer weather than last year. I had planned on taking the camper to offset the cold nights. Right now I'll be wishing for some air conditioning. I think if we leave around 9am, that should put us down there by 6pm after our stops and such. At that time I'll still have a little daylight to put up the camper. Who knows? If David sleeps or travels well maybe we get there sooner. Last time we were pretty late setting up. Then the heavy dews wet everything so much and then the cold made your hands so numb it was very difficult. The cool evenings ran you into some fleece pretty early.
With the forecast highs in the 80's and lows in the 60's, there might be some need for a little heat in the camper. But if highs make the 90's like they have here then I expect the family will be less pleased. Like I say, I've done all I can. Now we have to have a good time.