Mother had her operation this morning. The second stimulator was installed. Tomorrow I go back to UAB to pick her up. This time it seemed like it went easier. Maybe she was given enough pain meds to keep her comfortable with her surroundings. Next Monday we go to have the battery pack installed. Then it is around the first of June we can expect to get the second system turned on and tuned. With any luck, she will get the same benefits and can enjoy her Canada trip. We also are hoping she can reduce or eliminate some of the medications she has been taking for the past couple of years now. She needs to get more exercise so she can build some strength.
Jean, Jerry, Vernell, Cary, and Denise were in the waiting room this morning. Ruth Smith called this evening to ask how she was doing. I suppose I ought to get out an information email letting everyone know how she is doing. Till tomorrow!
I was asked to speak to the Parkinson's group in June.