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Utter boredom...

I have roamed the internet until I am tired of looking. There isn't anything worth looking at. Funny. It gives you the whole world at your fingertips but after a while of looking, it all becomes the same. So many things that seem distinct are really the same experiences with the same emotions linked to them. There doesn't seem to be any really new ideas out there. Some of the information is startling though. I learned today that some National Parks are being used by drug cartels to grow pot and that some backpackers are being threatened by people because of it. Here I am upset because of littering and elsewhere people are growing dope or making drugs and blocking the use of the resource to regular citizens.

My tiredness was better today. I made a ride down to Fayetteville and around Cedar Creek. Usually I am ready for a nap by the time I get to work, but today I actually felt pretty refreshed. Between riding and mowing grass, I must have hit the right combination of sleep plus food. There is a ride scheduled for tomorrow morning but I don't think I can make it. Number 1, it is earlier than I want to get up. And number 2, it is with some folks who will likely leave me in their dust. I might as well ride alone.

Yesterday would have been my parent's 51st wedding anniversary. Dad has been gone for 22 years now. It doesn't seem like that long but here I am about the age he was when he died. Nikki is almost 23 and expecting her second child. And baby Sara will be 21 her next birthday. So this birthday I will be 50 years old. Our plan is to be in Navarre Florida for the event. We have enjoyed being there many times.

Once upon a time we speculated on what we would do if we became rich. One item that came up over and over was buying a condo at Navarre Beach. Lately the hurricanes have blown it away a couple of times. Each time they build it back. And each time it becomes a lot more expensive to stay there. We have been blessed to be able to go and stay so much. Some would argue the money would have been better spend in savings. My savings haven't fared so well. They have often lost money rather than gained. I don't expect to retire anyway. Just work till I am too old and have to quit.

Tomorrow morning is open for me. Bev is working. Nikki will have David till 2pm. I don't really want to ride again. Perhaps I will do nothing. There are lots of projects that need doing around the house. Most of them will require more time than I have before work. WIth any luck I can go back to sleep when Bev leaves then catch up on some sleep. I might also put on some shorts and lay out in the sun. Maybe take Sara and Mom for lunch somewhere. I suppose I could wash the camper! That would be a good job for a warm day. There is painting, wood treatment, pressure washing, and wall building galore. Maybe I will do some of it Monday.

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