Tomorrow we load up and head down to Navarre Beach for a week getaway. David, Chris and Nikki will be with us. It has been a while since we were there. Bev and I did a couple of trips over the past few years sans children. And year before last we carried David down to Fort Walton during February to get him on the beach. I am looking forward to seeing the little guy have fun. I am wondering how all of us will fare in close quarters for 7 days. I hope we can all just get along.
Also Bev and I have scheduled a bike ride for the morning and posted it for anyone interested in joining in. Last time it was only we two. If it is just us again, that's fine. We will make the loop down through Fayetteville for the first time. That will be a ride of 20 miles which will be Bev's longest ever. The long downhill should help make up for the distance. And when we are done, we come back and pack the car for our trip. We will grab a lunch along the way.