As I was riding into work on the scooter today, I saw a fellow lean out of his truck watching me pass. I thought about the contrast to the tatooed, leather-clad motorcycle rider and my own polo-shirted, white tennis shoed self. I then thought of the old anthem of motocyclists "Born to be Wild" Only in my case I should change the wild to mild. I am enjoying the rides each evening to and from home. I suppose I will keep on riding even though gas has gone down in price.
Bev and I rode the tandem with the club this morning. Paul, Eric, Kelly, and we rode up toward Rendelia and back down Riser's Mill to town. Even though Bev was pretty stuffy with a cold, she did fine. I think she needed some rest this afternoon but that is a good indicator of improving fitness level and fat burning.
I made her birthday pies today. I made a couple of Key Lime Pies and will bring out the moisture management clothes tonight. Our plan is to camp at Monte Sano next week. There is an art show there. I hope we can get a reservation. If not, we may have to go to a plan B type of ride.
Mother and Bev have gone to see Uncle Jean. They suspect he has PE's in both lungs. His serum sodium is so low they are calling in an endocrinologist. He is really having difficulty. It is good that she is going up to see him. Although he came through the operation very well, I am concerned with these new set-backs.