Time passes so quickly! I was looking at the photo of David with his Elmo cake from last year. We celebrated at the Williamson's. This time, David has a new home here in Sylacauga. I went over early this morning and assembled the play structure we got from Toys R Us. He is intent in play with the tools given to him by Uncle Andy. We took his cake and presents over to his favorite playground for a little party. He had cups, plates, napkins, and a table cloth with images from the movie "Cars"
on them
. I think he will enjoy his play place for years to come. It gives him a cave to hide in, a steering wheel for driving his boat, tubes to crawl through, and lots of room for imagination. Maw maw got to see their new home first hand. I am not sure what she thought but maybe it cleared things up a bit for her. Sara got to come. We all enjoyed our time with our Birthday Boy.