Another bomb was dropped last night. Chris admitted he was an alcoholic and left with David Perkins for detox and treatment. They say he will be gone a month. It is possible he will be gone much longer.... That leaves a very unprepared Nikki to fend for herself and her sons. This has left Bev and Sara upset. And me? I think if this had happened a few years ago, I would have been devastated. Right now, I don't really feel that much. With all that has happened up to now, this is what I have come expect from my life. I was listening to a good friend of mine giving me some kind words after I had shared the situation with him. I listened but was very detached from it all. There was a sense of amusement there. It is as if the absurdity of it all has finally caused my sanity to wobble at the brink. Funny that Bev learned from friends that he and his wife, his son and daughter and their spouses have received counseling over their son's addiction. It affected the whole family! Sara has asked to see Dr. Aldaher over what she calls depression. Bev said she will ask for some Lexapro. Sometimes I wish I had someone who I could go to for answers. Just to have someone tell me what to do or whether or not I am on the right track. The few folks I can talk to have heard enough. I don't care to burden them any more than I already have. So I handle it alone. It wouldn't be like me to go spilling my innermost feelings to a counselor. What good would it do to go through all of it again with some stranger whose interest is a job? But that is what I may have to do. At least for the family's sake.