I have heard from Mitch, Randy, Joe, and Oakie now. They all send best wishes to Nikki, Chris, David, and Max. I wish I had the time and opportunity to sit down and have a long talk with either Joe or Oakie. I think they might be the best ones to listen and respond to what is
troubling me. The only problem would be the onus of troubling them with my worries. I don't feel good about unburdening concerns on someone who might feel enough empathy to have my problems become their burden as well. The truth is, I have talked these problems over so much, I don't think talking is an answer anymore. It leaves me feeling helpless. I must say the past couple of years have really humbled me. Whatever lofty goals I saw for the future have certainly been dashed. There is a sadness that has taken its place which resembles loneliness and resignation. It is a bitter result.