It was an interesting week. Almost everyone was sick. Better to have it now than to deal with sick children during Christmas. David spent the night with us. Watching him sleep this morning just after daylight was so heartwarming. Little children resting in a warm comfortable place without a care in the world. That is heaven! We got him up and off to school then took all the family out to lunch. The afternoon was so mild. I wished I could be off to go bike riding. Maybe there will be a chance to get out and hike or do something in the morning. The weather is supposed to turn rainy. Even a day with temperatures in the 50's is like a heat wave after those low to mid teens we had last week.
Billy hit a few snags with the build of my bike. The derailleur didn't work and neither did the suggested replacement. We had to go with one installed over the crank arm. Maybe by tomorrow he will have it running again. I sure would like to go ride it Wednesday morning. Right now it looks like Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be good riding mornings. I need to make sure the deer hunters aren't out in force in Hollins.