Well, I suppose I have decided on a resolution or two. The first part of the resolution is to do some hiking. I will do some overnights to get up to speed on the Pinhoti before the April AT hike. I also will be doing some strength training to prepare. I also have decided to "read" one audio-book a month over the next year. I have downloaded Freakonomics for my first book. The picture left is a view overlooking a valley off of the Odum trail.
My week off has passed quickly. Those two days of work made it go by faster than usual. The time it ticking down till the employee prescriptions and hospice work begins. I think Melanie will be gone by then. Shelly also has hinted that she will be leaving. I don't know how things will work out. I don't see there being a lot of difference between this job and the one at Wal-Mart. Of course Wal-Mart is paying better.