The weekend came and went. Weather was better than predicted, cold, but with no rain or snow. Everyone also had all the equipment they needed. The next time we camp, we can eliminate some serious weight with our next trip. Everyone had a quality tent. Everyone had a good backpacking stove.
We required a good bit more water than most folks brought. I needed about 16 more ounces than I carried. I can remedy that on the AT by carrying my pump.
The only real failures on this trial run were my mattress and my pillow. I think I could have remedied the pillow by stuffing more in the compression sack. I am considering a therma-rest self inflating mat. The improved sleep quality may be worth the investment.
Another item that I overlooked was fire starter. Perry brought lighter sticks which did the job. I will be sure to carry some for the next trip. I don't know if we will have the big campfires like we did that night on the AT. It may be enough just to cook supper and then get out a candle or something. Camping without a fire isn't camping! We will have to get some kind of fire going.
We required a good bit more water than most folks brought. I needed about 16 more ounces than I carried. I can remedy that on the AT by carrying my pump.
The only real failures on this trial run were my mattress and my pillow. I think I could have remedied the pillow by stuffing more in the compression sack. I am considering a therma-rest self inflating mat. The improved sleep quality may be worth the investment.
Another item that I overlooked was fire starter. Perry brought lighter sticks which did the job. I will be sure to carry some for the next trip. I don't know if we will have the big campfires like we did that night on the AT. It may be enough just to cook supper and then get out a candle or something. Camping without a fire isn't camping! We will have to get some kind of fire going.