I have decided that if they reschedule the backpack trip, I will use the time for Bev. We haven't used the boat in a long time and the camper could get some use too. I don't know when I might backpack again but I can try some overnights later in the year. I could do another overnight soon on some weekend or weekdays that I am off. Once Chris gets home we should have more opportunities. David was sitting in the boat this morning. I believe he could really have fun riding in the boat. It might be a little scary at first but like the scooter, we can get him past that. I wonder if he would sit still long enough to catch a fish.
We also need to make that trip to the Smokies and ride the Cades Cove Loop. I might also coax Bev into some hikes. There are several trails in the Cove. It would be nice to get back up to Fall Creek Falls at some time of year when it isn't 100°. It think we might try to take Mother on a trip with us. It might be better if we just brought her down to Wind Creek for the day then went home. We could bring the screenhouse and picnic then fold it up and come home.