Yesterday, Bev and I rode in the Jim Glassner Century in Montgomery. Our plan was to see how we felt and attempt a full century if possible. Along the way we met a young woman from Auburn who mentioned there were, in her view, two kinds of bike rides. Either a ride for pleasure or a ride of accomplishment. Our ride falls squarely in the second category. At the split for the metric century, we thought we could go the distance but were concerned about the time. So we opted to ride out on the century route then turn off and short the route. Along the way, we got into some rolling hills which really began to put a strain on the ride. Both my legs began to cramp. But we kept on and managed to do a 80.75 mile ride.
That evening, we were both done in. My legs cramped so badly on the drive home, I had to get out and walk them out on the side of the road. It left me very sore. Bev spent the evening resting. She fell asleep on the couch. But this morning we are feeling better. It takes a day or two to recover. I'll be fine by tomorrow. I expect Bev will be ready for a little ride by Tuesday. Then we can look ahead to the All You Can Eat Century in Huntsville.