I wanted to share with you about a gift I received this Christmas. You can see it at this link. I received...
It seemed like the perfect gift for the person who has everything. It is profound. It is amazing really. Think of the most valuable thing in the world, or even the universe. Then of course, what could be more valuable, NOTHING, right! What is better than wonderful friends and a family that loves you? Uh, NOTHING? But I realize that that this stuff could be dangerous. What if someone were to eat this. I've heard of people who ate NOTHING and died! I don't know how much NOTHING it took and I really don't know how much NOTHING is in that package. I have to be concerned about handling this stuff properly. Some people think NOTHING is "sacred". What if I were to offend someone? What if it has an effect on my personality. If you asked me what could make me lie or cheat or steal or what would make me betray my sacred word? OH MY GOODNESS! NOTHING!
Then I saw it! There on the back of the package in small print it says... made in China. (I thought EVERYTHING was made in China not NOTHING?) You know this could be part of a sinister plot. First they exposed us to lead in kids toys and toothpaste, now NOTHING. That's got me spooked so right now I am looking for a good place to put my NOTHING.
After much thought I think the best plan is to put the NOTHING in a secure place considering the potential for disaster it represents. Looking at the package closely, I see that there is a crack in the container and now I don't know if NOTHING is in there or not. And I'm not sure how to go about catching it. Think about it, what travels faster than the speed of light? In desperation I vacuumed the whole living room and then swept a couple of times. On my last sweeping, to my great relief, I found NOTHING in the dust pan. So not taking any chances, I threw the whole thing in a trash bag, tied it up, and tossed it in the garbage can outside just to be safe. I think that should take care of it, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
I've done my best to rid us of this menace, but if NOTHING happens to any of you in this coming year, don't come blaming me!