- My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right? Charles Schultz
Here we are in the second week of the new year and I am starting it with strict calorie restrictions since I gained those 20 lbs back. It has taken a while but I could see myself failing to do anything and waking up some morning back at 260 or more. It is going well. I haven't seen the big losses I did the first time but I am being diligent. The weather has been uncooperative for bike riding this month. Today it got very warm but I had to work. Same yesterday. Next week, when I am off, the temperatures are going down with highs in the 30's and lows as little as 9! That will be a sharp cold day for riding, hiking, or just taking the trash out. I'll be inside most likely. No matter. If I am able to stay on the plan, those pounds will shed. It is a simple process. Burn more than you take in and you lose.
I've spent more than a little time studying everything I could about life's meanings, happiness, purpose....and I've no better grasp than when I started. I saw this quotation by Schultz and found myself in agreement. I am happy of late. It takes less to be happy lately. I don't know the reason. Maybe it is a balancing of my brain chemicals that took over 50 years to accomplish. I don't know if the feeling will last. Might as well make the most of it.