Today I put more stress on my knee than the other days and found the right knee to twinge quite a bit when shifting to the standing position on my road bike. I still don't have the pain in my hands and elbows. I pushed hard on the hills to try to stir up the pain. I wasn't able to keep it up as much as I like. I think I've slowed down over the past few months. The rainy summer may have taken away more riding than I'd hoped. So I'll keep on taking the stuff but I remain skeptical. The results from the GAIT trial seem modest at best. Much better results were obtained from the dose of NSAID. Like I told Mike, it might make sense to do both but Glucosamine is expensive. Better to just take some Celebrex.
After my recovery period for Covid, I went to Cullman on Monday the 8th and started catching up on the mowing and farm stuff. Pretty much everything needed mowing. The big tractor made short work on the main north fields and David helped me with the field across from the pond. The grass had grown quite long and with the two week absence, I simply started and mowed all of them. There is always some mowing to do. At least no trees had fallen. There were some indoor projects pending. A couple of shower fixtures had to be replaced. The screen door latch didn't hold and had to be improved. The old JD mower needed a bit of tuning so it would climb better and the mowing deck replaced. And the garden needed to be disked and more corn and okra planted. David should have had a shot on the groundhog at the old house but forgot to check his ammo. The hammer fell on an empty chamber. I got the conibear traps out and caught one of the groundhogs that lived by the spring. David had ...