I've spent the best part of this off week building a ground level deck to replace the patio we had downstairs by what used to be the entry to my Mom's apartment. After we built the upper deck, the rain falling through was making the little patio a mess, so we debated which would improve the appearance. My first idea was to simply build the boxes that we would attach decking and put those directly onto concrete blocks on the ground. Then I saw an idea with 4 x 4 sleepers in the ground to support the deck. After a big day of work pulling out the old brick patio, I had a fitful night of sleep. Too many aches and pains from using all those muscles I didn't remember I had. While lying there awake. I had an idea to combine the ideas, putting the back part of the deck on the sleepers and supporting the front of the deck with blocks under short legs down from the deck. Well the result was a really solid deck platform. After working with the alignment with the house, I found a spot that worked best. Then yesterday, I sawed all the decking and fitted it to place. Well, almost all the decking. I found I was 5 pieces short of finishing the project. So today, I started early using wood screws to lock the boards down. It was a lot more work than I thought. Right in the middle of my project, the skies opened up and rain came down for about 20 minutes or so. It really drenched my project. Once the rain passed, I got busy with a big effort to finish but fell short by a row and a half. If I have the time tomorrow, the last row can be cut and fitted. Then the fascia needs to be fitted. And if I get those attached, the deck part of the project is just about finished. Next comes the walk path to connect the stairs with the deck. That and some minor cosmetic work around the shrubs and the grass. Not too much left to do.
After my recovery period for Covid, I went to Cullman on Monday the 8th and started catching up on the mowing and farm stuff. Pretty much everything needed mowing. The big tractor made short work on the main north fields and David helped me with the field across from the pond. The grass had grown quite long and with the two week absence, I simply started and mowed all of them. There is always some mowing to do. At least no trees had fallen. There were some indoor projects pending. A couple of shower fixtures had to be replaced. The screen door latch didn't hold and had to be improved. The old JD mower needed a bit of tuning so it would climb better and the mowing deck replaced. And the garden needed to be disked and more corn and okra planted. David should have had a shot on the groundhog at the old house but forgot to check his ammo. The hammer fell on an empty chamber. I got the conibear traps out and caught one of the groundhogs that lived by the spring. David had ...