Looking back, I see where I had this summer cold stuff back in 2007 at this same time of August. Here I am with it again. Last night hit me particularly hard. I awoke with painful stuffy sinuses. I made my way to the shower and stood in the hot water, trying to loosen the grip of the mucus. I was partially successful. A chunk moved down and blocked my breathing. I thought for a minute or two, I was going to have to go to the emergency room. But finally I budged the blockage enough to breathe. Then I spent my morning resting. A short walk outside put me back inside on the couch. I just couldn't get enough airflow. But tonight, I feel a little better. Probably because I'm medicated with decongestant, mucolytic, nasal spray, and antibiotic. Maybe I can get myself through to another morning.
This illness has hijacked my week I would have spent getting back in shape. Monday I did a wonderful trail run of 5.6 miles. I felt as though I could run on and on. I doubt I'll be back able to do any running before Monday. And I doubt I should go to Cullman being so recently over the crud. I don't want to pass the virus to Granny or Bev's folks. I might do better waiting for Thurs, Friday.
Bev has been particularly sweet toward me this week. And I've really appreciated the tenderness.
This illness has hijacked my week I would have spent getting back in shape. Monday I did a wonderful trail run of 5.6 miles. I felt as though I could run on and on. I doubt I'll be back able to do any running before Monday. And I doubt I should go to Cullman being so recently over the crud. I don't want to pass the virus to Granny or Bev's folks. I might do better waiting for Thurs, Friday.
Bev has been particularly sweet toward me this week. And I've really appreciated the tenderness.