Here we are on a grey December day near the end of the year. It is days like this which make one introspective. Looking back, this year has been one of change. Sara finished her coursework and has lived at home for the summer and fall. She goes on to complete her work for her degree this winter and spring. Nikki was faced with the final breaking straw with Chris' infidelity and they divorced. We have been the mainstay for Max and David, with them staying with us at night, getting baths and sleep for school the next day. Cycling was severely curtailed for this year due to a variety of problems. Too much cold, too much rain, badly coordinated off days.
This Holiday season has brought only a card from Mitch. With the variety of communication methods at our disposal, this is a bit of a disappointment. I withheld sending any communication which was my former habit, just to see what would come my way. From this lack I would conclude I have few kinsmen. Better the relationships with the friends I have than these.
This Holiday season has brought only a card from Mitch. With the variety of communication methods at our disposal, this is a bit of a disappointment. I withheld sending any communication which was my former habit, just to see what would come my way. From this lack I would conclude I have few kinsmen. Better the relationships with the friends I have than these.