
I've spend a little time searching through quite a few references for a quote that I felt might have made a witty point about mothers in general and mine in specific, but I didn't find one. On this Mother's day I remember her. It is obvious that she gave me life. By giving that life, she imbued me with qualities which are inherent but also made a great effort to convince me that I was capable much more than I knew. She gently but firmly attempted to convince me that "I could do
anything." It took a long time to internalize that lesson, but eventually, I realized I was capable of so much more than I first believed. It shouldn't have taken me so long to take her word for it. She was smart and capable. She was a professional who everyday handled life and death and carried out her duties thoughtfully, thoroughly, and compassionately. But compassion didn't overrule her judgment. You got the treatment you needed whether it was a splinter to be removed or reprimand. So I supposed if she hadn't believed in me, she would have told me. She was a good listener. She listened to my woes as I traveled the teenage years. And listened again to a young parent's worries. I'm sure she anguished along with me, and happily celebrated when the occasion permitted. My cousin Oakie copied a letter from her Dad that mentioned his being "in her corner." I very much knew Mom was in my corner. Just like Bev is in our girls corner right now. And just the same way all of you are in the corner of all our collective progeny. And so am I. So on this occasion when we remember Mothers, I remember mine fondly. And I remember the many in our family fondly too. Happy Mother's Day.