Another work week in Cullman. This time no brush-hogging needed. The hot, dry weather has slowed the growth of the grass. It was my chance to get the bolts out of the brush-hog. I finally got the last nut off. The penetrating fluids finally did their job. But the bolt would not come out. Preston heated them with the acetylene torch and they never budged despite whacking them over and over with a hammer. I returned it to Sonya with apologies.
The new brake cylinder went on but I'll need to do some more work. The other brake locked up and I had to take the lines loose to get it moving again. I'll attack it next trip.
So my work days consisted mostly in changing oil in the lawn mowers. I sharpened blades on the Old John Deere and lubed the mower deck. I used the blue vacuum device. It worked very well. Despite the report the nuts were left loose on the Old Zero Turn mower, I could not budge them. Not sure they were taken off at all.
We took the tomb stones I bought for the folks up and installed them over their graves. It was something asked of us a long time ago and now they are in place and finished.
Friday was my day to paint the trim on the workshop but Cullman finally got some much needed rain.
The 19th was the Williamson's anniversary. It could have been a sad time but Maw Maw seemed to have a better time of it. While I'm sure she is lonely, perhaps she is coping a little better.
On the home front, I was contacted by Coosa Valley about returning to my old pharmacy job. It was something I had wished for. I've really missed the extra time I had for outdoor activity. My current job is burning me down. So I've tentatively agreed to return. Still haven't heard what my pay rate will be, but I think it will be commensurate.