A busy work time on the farm. We picked up David's car in Decatur and it looks great. Both he and Mawmaw are pleased. When we got back to Cullman, I started with the four wheeler steering tube bushing and continued through the various blades for sharpening. That next morning I got the zero turn blades off and sharpened and we continued to do some mowing at the old house. That evening I finished off the garden with the roto tiller. Before I could do that, I had to replace the drive belt. I got the blue one from Tractor Supply and picked up a replacement battery for the zero turn. It seems those tractor batteries only last 2 years. Next we did the bush hog work in the pastures. Wednesday morning we did a tour around the farm to see what might be needed next and laid out some fuel for Mawmaw to use easily.
“Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it’s no worse than it is.” ~ Margaret Mitchell