“Nice” is Not a Compliment THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NICE AND KIND. BY NATASHA DELION One of the worst things you can call someone is nice. Being called nice either means you are boring or fake. In my experience, most people I’ve encountered that were described as nice turned out to be the latter, yet each time I was still surprised. I used to believe that it was a good thing when the general consensus for someone was that they were nice, but as I’ve continued to interact with many people like this, I’ve learned that it’s very much a hidden red flag. I wanted to believe that a nice person was on their way to being a kind person. I wanted to believe that everyone was trying to be better to themselves and to others, but I was too optimistic. Niceness can be disguised as kindness which causes difficulty when differentiating between the two. I’ve mistaken someone’s niceness as kindness many times and each time I still felt betrayal when I came to the realization. I’ve learned t...
“Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it’s no worse than it is.” ~ Margaret Mitchell