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Showing posts from August, 2010

Work, work, work...

I've spent the best part of this off week building a ground level deck to replace the patio we had downstairs by what used to be the entry to my Mom's apartment. After we built the upper deck, the rain falling through was making the little patio a mess, so we debated which would improve the appearance. My first idea was to simply build the boxes that we would attach decking and put those directly onto concrete blocks on the ground. Then I saw an idea with 4 x 4 sleepers in the ground to support the deck. After a big day of work pulling out the old brick patio, I had a fitful night of sleep. Too many aches and pains from using all those muscles I didn't remember I had. While lying there awake. I had an idea to combine the ideas, putting the back part of the deck on the sleepers and supporting the front of the deck with blocks under short legs down from the deck. Well the result was a really solid deck platform. After working with the alignment with the house, I found a spot ...

This looks like a job for....

Bev and I are working this week. When we are off, we invite the boys, David and Max, to spend Friday night with us. Since that was impossible this week, I took the boys to the municipal pool this morning for a treat. Then we would later go to lunch at Burger King so they could play in the "play-place". The fun started about 30 minutes after we'd gotten into the pool. David had found a playmate and they were out a little deeper than Max. But Max wanted to join in with the bigger kids. Max worked his way out further and further by staying up on tip-toes until the water was up to his nose. Then he went a little further so that he could only catch a breath when he made little bounds. And then with a misplaced bound, he went further than he intended and now the water line was up over his eyebrows. Now as he bounds I can see he can't quite get his nose above water. As I quickly start across the pool, I can see surprise in Max's eyes and his rapid bounds take him a lit...


The past few days have gone pretty well. I don't crave the junk that I was feasting on for the past few months. I wonder if the change of stress has done something. It had gotten pretty intense. Perhaps it isn't the primary reason, but the energy it consumed took strength that I needed in other areas. Of course, the vision of my weight hanging around my belly gives me some drive to get it gone. What can I do. I am not going to be a real physical specimen at my age. I can only be as healthy as I can and live with those parameters. Like the interest in running an ultra-marathon. Why? But then again, why not? Attempt a triathlon? Why not? But the first step has to be getting the goop factor down to 190 lbs. Just no sense in hauling an extra 20 lbs of lard over the hills and dells.

What it takes...

I seem to have put my resolve firmly into place. I've been close to getting myself down to a good measurement  several times now but failed when I relaxed my hold on my impulses. Will this time be different? Not sure. But there are goals I want to achieve in the short and longer term. First of all, I don't want to head up to Michigan with my belly hanging out like it was last week. I am down to 2 pair of long pants that fit comfortably. Just a short time ago, I was almost ready to move into 34 waist pants. If I am strong, I can drop 10 lbs by the time we fly out of Birmingham. The next in the series of long term goals would be to be lighter for cycling and, more importantly, my ultramarathon training. I want to do the Sylaward by mid-October, then of course I want to run at least half of Todd's Ultra in February. So although my main desire is to see the pounds melt off, I am really concerned about being able to do the training for those events without knee problems. Diet al...