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Showing posts from December, 2013


Marathon November 1, 2012 at 7:57pm Public Friends Only Me Custom Close Friends Yoshukai See all lists... Coosa Valley Medical Center Wednesday riders Family SHS Civitan CVMC Auburn University Sylacauga, Alabama Area Sylacauga High School Coosa Valley Medical Center Family Coosa Valley Medical Center Acquaintances Go Back The completion of this marathon required overcoming so many obstacles. I thought I would try to get them down in a note just so I could remember them and also get an idea of my thoughts while on the marathon route. The year of running started with trail running here at home. I signed up for the Mercedes Half Marathon in February and increased my mileage weekly. In the days and weeks leading up to the Mercedes, the weather was mild. But on the morning of the event, the temperature had taken quite a downturn. At the start, it was a frigid 19 degrees. For the first 3 miles I was so cold I couldn't feel my fingers. At each water station, the spilled pow...

Rainy day...

Here we are on a grey December day near the end of the year. It is days like this which make one introspective. Looking back, this year has been one of change. Sara finished her coursework and has lived at home for the summer and fall. She goes on to complete her work for her degree this winter and spring. Nikki was faced with the final breaking straw with Chris' infidelity and they divorced. We have been the mainstay for Max and David, with them staying with us at night, getting baths and sleep for school the next day. Cycling was severely curtailed for this year due to a variety of problems. Too much cold, too much rain, badly coordinated off days. This Holiday season has brought only a card from Mitch. With the variety of communication methods at our disposal, this is a bit of a disappointment. I withheld sending any communication which was my former habit, just to see what would come my way. From this lack I would conclude I have few kinsmen. Better the relationships with the...

Yet again...

So here I am trying to lose those pounds again. I've slacked for more than a year now. With 37 unwanted pounds on my frame I'm finding cycling, running, and fitting into my pants to be a challenge. So I've made the determination to get started doing something. I've been eating lightly and exercising this week. So with 37 lbs to lose, that should take more than 4 months to lose using my 2 lbs weekly loss plan. The half marathon will come in just 3 months. But I should be down 26 lbs by then. That will make for a lighter tread. In other news, I have got the touring bicycle nearly done. With the bar tape put on, I did a test run this morning. The geometry of the frame was great. With just a little tinkering on the front derailleur and installing the adjuster barrels for the brakes, I should be ready.