Firstly, and most important, Bev and David enjoyed the trip. A lot of the misgivings that I had about the generator, camper, and reception were unfounded. Everyone seemed to like David. We found lots of folks to chat with and had a good week. The food was good. The rain dampened (pardon the pun) our fun for a couple of days but wasn't awful. In fact, it cooled things off a bit. My riding was surprising. I had no trouble climbing hills. I found my own fitness to be above most of the riders. There was this one fellow who had ridden across America who could not stay with me on hill climbs. Not that they were as severe as our local hills but I was gratified to be able to pull them easily. I was surprised to be able to complete 2 centuries that week. I've never ridden that far before. Having those rest stops to take some time make it very doable. After the rest and food at each one, it broke the ride down into four parts. So in effect I was riding 4 25 mile rides instead of a single...
“Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect. We take what we get and are thankful it’s no worse than it is.” ~ Margaret Mitchell