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Showing posts from February, 2007

Signing up...

55 days to Safari . I signed up for the Alabama Tandem Weekend last night. It is another chance for Bev and I to get out riding with people sharing out interest. I also have us scheduled for the AHTS conference at Cheaha State Park. Once you add on the trip to the Safari, the Alaska Trip, and a Florida trip this summer, we will be busy.

David hurt his arm...

56 days to Safari . Yesterday David took a fall off a chair onto the grass in the back yard and appears to have broken his elbow. We got a message from CVMC today and carried him in to get his elbow splinted. They suggested we take him to an Orthoped. I am really sad that he hurt himself. It was hurting last night and bothered his sleep. I wish I could take it for him. We celebrated Sara's 21st birthday today. Everyone gathered at the Tavern for a special lunch. We enjoyed our little celebration. Sara got tickets for Circ du Soleil, money, sunglasses, and a racquetball racquet. I found a tandem rally that Bev and I could attend. Surprise! That shortens up the time we have till we have a getaway.

A spring-like day...

57 days to Safari . Today was the kind of day we've hoped for. It started off colder but we had the time to wait for it to warm up. by 10:30 we rolled out for a short ride down to Perkin's driveway and back. The wind blew against us and slowed our average but it was great to be out again. This is more riding than we have done in a long time and it has left us both a little tired. But the additional exercise should budge Bev off the 163 plateau.

No change...

58 days till Safari. Bev was disappointed that her weight remained unchanged since last week. But 163 is a lot of improvement over the 200 lbs from January. We got out riding this morning at 8am but it was chilly due in part to fog. But it warmed up nicely and we covered 27 miles down to Cedar Creek. This is our first longer ride of the month. I put the shimano pedals on the tandem and trimmed the cables and put caps on them. I am tempted to replace the crank and front derailleur.

Rainy day...

59 days to Safari Today was a rainy morning. Temps got up into the 60's but I was greeted this morning to the sound of a steady rain. As soon as the rain let up, I took the commuter bike down Oden's Mill and back by the Airport. A good hour of riding.

Short ride for a change...

60 days to Safari . We got in a short 12 miles ride today. The temp was in the 50's and it was windy. A miscue with the clip less pedals caused a spill that bruised Bev's hip and hurt my wrist. I'll be putting better pedals on the tandem.

Finally a break...

At last the weather has taken a turn toward warmer. Although my diary shows most of February last year and the year before as cold, it has seemed like this year was even colder making me stay inside more days than either of the previous two. Most of the warming trend has to do with coming thunderstorms. It will probably mean more rain. But that is alright. Maybe Bev and I can still get in some rides despite the changeable weather. Only 61 days remain till the Florida Bike Safari. That time will pass so quickly. I don't believe it will take very long to get Bev back up to her previous level. She has worked out some and the diet has removed a few more lbs. This Wednesday I expect her weight to be 161. I am waiting for it to hit 150's for a celebration. Although we will only have about 9 more weeks, I think she will hit the 150 goal. And from there I think she can make 140 by the next year. It will simply be a matter of continuing the riding. It is simply following the eating plan...

Cold days...

The days just don't seem to be getting any warmer but they are getting longer. Next week looks to be cold again but I am sure we are soon going to have some warmer days. Having some cold winter weather is a novel experience here. The past few years we've had more than our share of warmer springlike days during the winter. Today would have been an acceptable afternoon for mountain biking but I have to work. That darn work gets in the way. I have decided that if they reschedule the backpack trip, I will use the time for Bev. We haven't used the boat in a long time and the camper could get some use too. I don't know when I might backpack again but I can try some overnights later in the year. I could do another overnight soon on some weekend or weekdays that I am off. Once Chris gets home we should have more opportunities. David was sitting in the boat this morning. I believe he could really have fun riding in the boat. It might be a little scary at first but like the scoot...

Oh well!

I heard today that they might be changing the date for the AT trip. I didn't have many other weekends I could do it with the Alaska trip, Florida Safari and work. I don't think I will voice any interference with the planning. This was their trip anyway. I was just a tag-along. I may just keep my own plan and look into a shuttle service. I can get someone to pick me up and drop me at the start and let me hike up to my car, I could just do my own trip. I had planned on hiking the Pinhoti in its entirety. I can just continue on. There are lots of miles left to do here in Alabama. Then there is always Georgia and the connector trail. Backpacking is a solitary pursuit. Or I can use the time to get some training miles in on the tandem with Beverly. Another fine possibility is to take Paul on a simple overnight trip. Or I could take Sara on an overnight. We could do something modest that wouldn't be so far to hike.

2 days on the Pinhoti Trail...

The weekend came and went. Weather was better than predicted, cold, but with no rain or snow. Everyone also had all the equipment they needed. The next time we camp, we can eliminate some serious weight with our next trip. Everyone had a quality tent. Everyone had a good backpacking stove. We required a good bit more water than most folks brought. I needed about 16 more ounces than I carried. I can remedy that on the AT by carrying my pump. The only real failures on this trial run were my mattress and my pillow. I think I could have remedied the pillow by stuffing more in the compression sack. I am considering a therma-rest self inflating mat. The improved sleep quality may be worth the investment. Another item that I overlooked was fire starter. Perry brought lighter sticks which did the job. I will be sure to carry some for the next trip. I don't know if we will have the big campfires like we did that night on the AT. It may be enough just to cook supper and then get out a can...