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Showing posts from July, 2005

30 mile Fayetteville loop...

I got out this morning and did the Fayetteville loop down by Cedar Creek. I made a pretty good trip but the lack of high energy food has me feeling a little less energetic. Yesterday I rode to Sycamore and did very well. The extra riding may be making me tired. I have a lot more training time to prepare for September and perhaps I will be ready.


On my ride today I felt like I made a breakthrough in my pedaling technique. When I had the motion correct, it felt as though I was pedaling a see saw. The motion felt like two arcs at the bottom of each stroke and allowed me to improve my time.

Feeling kinda punk..

I guess the extra ride on Tuesday in the hot hot combined with reduced calories has really slowed me down. I struggled on the Bull Gap ride. I took the old Trek so it was a lot heavier. Whew.

Damn hot!

I got in my ride today. I was planning on making a 50 mile ride but with the soaring temperatures, I oped for something more managable. I rode from home to Cedar Creek and back. That was more than enough. I did some work outside this afternoon and if I were riding at that time (3:00pm) I couldn't have made it.


My plan to get in a lot of riding next week is going to coincide with the highest temperatures we've had in 3 years. I can get out at the break of day each morning, maybe! I really need to get up on the Pinhoti trail and do some work. That second 2 mile section needs to be looked at. The BRAT is now under 2 months away. I need to continue to ride in the hills. I have wanted to get up to the Cheaha Scenic Drive and ride over the mountain. I guess I am just a glutton for punishment.

This post has no title....

Yesterday I sold the Jeep. Bev is glad. I am sad to get rid of it but it is correct to do so. I don't see myself using it that much. Maybe I would come Fall but "oh well". Little by little I am getting myself ready for the mode to lose weight. I need to fine tune my evening appetite a bit but soon I will be in full diet mode. I really need to lose 40 lbs to make those hills a little more tolerable. I have been really tired lately. Not enough sleep I bet. I have that Drug Lit crap hanging over me and that is a worry. I need to get that taken care of. Then I need to concentrate on bike riding and other things. Next week I was thinking of doing 50 miles per day to get the ball rolling on weight loss. I don't know if I can stand that much! Where could I go to get that many miles in. Maybe I need to go up to the Chief and ride over to the state line for one of the rides. Monday I can get a short ride to Sycamore. Maybe I can ride out to the end of the Millerville Highway o...


How I loved this story as a youngster. It held my fascination. My imagination soared with it beyond anything the series itself could have done. The characters became so familiar, they almost seem like friends.

The man in the Moon...

On this date in 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon. I don't know if I remember the actual day or just recall one of the many replays I've seen of the moon landing. I can hear Neil say, "One small step...". It was really something for a kid. We all watched Star Trek and saw the mission to the moon as a stepping stone. Here after all these years, we haven't got very far with manned space flight. It isn't important. If it's "giant leaps" we are after, there are plenty to be had.

Happy Birthday

Today would have been my Dad's birthday! He would have been 74 years old. He never wanted to get older. He somehow knew that he would never make it to "old age". Funny! I no longer see the 70's as being that old. I was reminded yesterday of how thin this veil of life is. It is like we live in a soapy bubble and our world is with rainbow colors that swirl in it's surface. We are trying to make sense of what we see, but it is all gone so soon. We are racing toward a destination without getting anywhere. While trapped in our little sphere, we drift in the random breezes more or less along with everyone else, yet kept apart at the same time. The most profound moments of our life occur when we become aware of this isolation and accept it.

Howard Keas

Mike sent word this morning that Howard Keas has cancer of the colon. It was remarkable that this 83 year old gentleman could ride the 50, 60 or more miles at the Florida Bike Safari. It is sad to hear of his trouble.


All those PEANUT BUTTER sandwiches and pop-tarts have taken the toll. I am up to 240 lbs. Now the need for a diet is critical. I had success eating low calorie density foods when I lost weight 2 years ago. I am at that crossroad again. I have to get somewhere and do some meditation to get my mind set to do the weight loss I need. I wish I were off in the mornings again so I could do the morning hikes up the mountain. I'll have to make some adaptation to get it done.

Time to get ready...

I have only 2 months left before the bike ride across Tennessee. I need to get back into the morning spinning classes. That and all the distance riding I can get. I also have not been eating properly. To make progress I would like to drop 20 lbs. That would be the weight of the new bike and I believe is very doable. I could cross train with hiking and mountain bikes to achieve that goal.

Trek 2100zr

Well, I got it. That new 63cm bike that weighs only 20 lbs. A very light bike. I went riding out to Bull Gap today but I didn't make great time. I was having problems getting used to the new shifters, seat and feel of the new bike. The lighter weight will be nice on hill climbs but I was slower on downhills. Not as much weight pulling me down.

Thursday ride...

After contacting Paul Wednesday night, he sent out a notice over email that we would ride Thursday evening out to Bull Gap Mountain. A few folks turned out. I made the ride more quickly than I had yet. It mean't getting up on the bike and pushing harder up the hills. I guess I am gaining in strength. Slowly!

New ride...

Well, I finally did it! I ordered the new Trek. Hopefully I can do some good riding soon. The light weight and stiffness may make some difference with my riding. Next I have some weight to shed.

Independence day...

The last word I got from the club members is there will not be a group ride this evening. That is probably wise. Many folks will be drinking and driving. I will miss the ride though. That leaves only the Wednesday ride this week. I should take the mountain bike out for a spin. Work today is odd. No patients on 4th floor. Pyxis out of everything. My password expired! What's going on?

Saturday ride...

I took the ride with Perry, Denis, Paul, Robert, and Mike down Coaling road to County Line road, across Macedonia road to Hollins, to highway 7 back to 148 and home. 48 miles of hard riding.