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Showing posts from August, 2008

Quarter century

Today was Nikki's 25th birthday. We celebrated with lunch at the Marble City Grill followed by cake at our house. It was her favorite, Chocolate icing with yellow cake. Little Max ate a piece and got chocolate icing all over his hands, face and shirt. David loved the cake too. Nikki had asked for a vacuum cleaner so we got her one of those Dyson models that are supposed to give superior suction. Her friend Jamie came down and helped make the day more festive.


Another birthday has come and gone. The family found me some gifts and cards. We had a pleasant evening. The German Chocolate cake was good. Like last year, I didn't get the gift I asked for. Oh well. My Wednesday rides have become a chore. I am having a hard time keeping up. I don't really want to slow down the ride for everyone else so I'll probably find something else to do or ride that day. I've become a little dissatisfied with riding lately. Maybe it is time to move on to something else. I took David to his first little karate class. It reminded me of something 24FC said before. It was Dads in pajamas. I think I've been disillusioned with that for a long time. But he seemed to have a great time. He isn't very coordinated yet bless his heart. It can only help him.

19 OF 21

Today is the end of my little marathon work session. With Joe on vacation last week, I did all but 2 days of his work schedule. That added to my 7 before and 7 after has really worn me out. Actually you have to add in my cycling to that equation. I rode almost every day there and that may be what actually got me so tired. But here I am on Sunday afternoon with only a few more hours to go. Bev has been asking me what I want for my birthday. Actually I can't think of a material thing. Well, nothing inexpensive enough to be a birthday gift actually. She told me the girls have been asking for what they could get me. I have no suggestions for them. In the first place, neither has the income to spare. Besides, the gift should be an expression of feelings.