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Showing posts from April, 2010

Productive week...

This finally was a week I had no extra days to work. SO I did a lot of work around the house. There is a lot more to do but it was a good start. Next I'll need to get some soil brought in to fill in the rough places in the yard. I'll need to paint the trim. The windows need cleaning. The deck needs repair. We'll call Kenny over to handle the door and siding issues. But we did get to ride a lot more this week. Our longest ride was 45 miles. It is a far cry from the 88 we rode 2 years ago but with time we'll get back up to it. My running is on a back burner right now. I need to get some going again. It gives me additional benefits. But my weight is going up again. Time to halt that process and begin losing again.

Things to do...

Get Power of Attorney Title of Toyota Set up trust fund See Nolan about Veteran's benefits Living will Redo will Get cable moved/redone Cell phone

Wheeling around Cedar Creek...

Sara Saturday came over this morning and she joined Bev and I for a ride around Cedar Creek. This was our first time to get in two days consecutive riding in a very long time. We can tell our fitness level is down. It would have made the Florida Safari much more difficult.