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Showing posts from April, 2023


 We came back to Cullman to assist with what appears to be a small stroke which caused Mawmaw to have some weakness and numbness and ended up going to Grandview for a complex pacemaker insertion. While this was happening, I came down with a bad case of Covid 19. I continue to shed virus here on day 5. While I've been laid up, Beverly has stepped in to help her Mom with recovery. I'm not sure what garden stuff may have been fixed but Bev repotted with peach sprouts. I am hoping we get more but right now there are four living. When I get better, I've got a lot of work to do.

Persistence Peach seedlings

The next step of many steps. Today I examined the peach seeds for growth and found two that have made an appearance. There are several more than I think will show up soon but tune will tell. It was a week to handle small projects. It is always like that. I did more work to try to fine tune the finish mower. I changed the belt setup to try and get even cuts and may have made some progress.  The compressed air line had deteriorated so I got a replacement for it and installed it with some effort. Afterward I found two other lines that Pawpaw had purchased and never used.  I mowed the upper, side, and pond fields with the 55-66 and it performed great. I also did a little work on the drive system of the old JD mower. I didn't get it great but it was workable. The tiller had an issue of engagement but it was easily fixed. I guess I shouldn't have bragged on it.