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Showing posts from June, 2010

Middle Tennessee is tough!

Boy did I miss the prediction for Middle Tennessee. We pedaled up some really tough hills there in Tennessee. To make matters worse, I felt as bad as I can feel and still be able to ride. On Saturday's ride, I finally just had to pull over and stand there. Thankfully it was only another 3 miles to our rest stop. After a little Gatoraid and air conditioning I was able to pull myself together for the 15 mile run to our lunch spot. Cruel fate intervened and as I was fading from my powerful effort to get down there, we found a 3/4 mile climb up to the drive for the eating spot with a further 3/10ths mile climb up a 18% or better grade. Even Friday when we began riding my legs felt like jelly. Sunday after Saturday's hard ride, I didn't have a lot of energy. I was glad to have taken the 25 mile option.