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Florida Bike Safari 2014

This year's Safari was dampened with rain on 3 of the days. Bev's ride over to Cherry Lake was marred with an episode where she overheated and had to get a ride for the last 5 miles. She had some good rides on the first 2 days. Tuesday's ride went well down to Madison but the weather caught us a little distance from the cabins and we endured a soaking. With the forecast calling for 2 days of thunderstorms, I elected to ride over to Live Oak and retrieve the van. I made most of the 50 mile trek with only a light rain but it finally caught me and I got soaked to the bone. Bev's bike parts finally showed their age and I have ordered all new components to build up her steed. But since then she's had some problems with breathing. Right now they're treating it like asthma so we will see how much benefit that protocol provides.

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