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Showing posts from March, 2005

Rolling thunder...

This morning I awoke to a thunderstorm. I was tempted to skip spinning class but finally drug myself out and got there a minute or two late. It was a good class. I believe I was a little tired after my ride yesterday. I went 8 miles up onto Bull Gap to the 2nd Pinhoti crossing and back. It was a good ride. I averaged better speed for the length of it. Not many more days left before I go to Live Oak.

Sleeping in...

Since there was no spinning class this morning, I was able to sleep later. With only 1 wakeup during the night, I got better rest. Now the weather forecast says there will be rain by this afternoon. That precludes a ride for tonight. Maybe I can get some reading done.

A perfect day...

Today is supposed to be a perfect weather day. High in the 70's. Lots of sunshine. Too bad I'll be working most of it. I had another spinning morning. It was pretty hard to get out of bed today. I awoke coughing about 12:30am. Couldn't get back to meaningful sleep. When 4:20 came, I tried to talk myself into staying in bed. But I got up and went to the AM spinning class anyhow. The class isn't much of a challenge of late. I tried increasing tension to give more of a workout. I hope my knee doesn't hurt because of it.

A very blustery day...

I awoke this morning to the sound of strong winds. I thought the storms had passed but I guess not. Outside, it felt a lot cooler so I guess the winds marked the passage of the cold front. On the trip to Mobile, I got no exercise other than strolling around the Gardens. Once home, I didn't get to do any because Bev was puny on Saturday, so I had to take care of David and all. Sunday she pretty much was the same. Besides, it was Easter and it stormed pretty much all day. This morning I was back in the gym. I rode a strong ride on the spinning bike this morning. Perhaps I can get away some afternoon this week for more exercise.

Once more....

Another good morning of spinning. I sweated a lot and hopefully got a good workout. Down to Mobile today for a short vacation with my wife. Maybe we can take in some of the local sites.

Another good day of training...

I spun this morning. It left me with a sore knee. I went up on the trail but only was there an hour or so before a storm came up. I saw that the trail team had made a little progress. I guess the next spot is at the FS 600 crossing at 3 mile and 4 mile. I took the rake with me but it didn't seem well suited to raking the trail open.

A good day's training...

I rode the spinning trainer this morning then went to the woods for a ride in the afternoon. Good training. I can see some benefit but I have a way to go before I can ride like Perry. Keep on keeping on.

A good night's sleep.... Spring has sprung...

I think I might have turned the corner on my sleeping difficulties. I slept 6 hrs straight last night. I actually am beginning to make it to the end of the day a little better rested. No spinning on Sundays because the gym is closed. No chance to ride yesterday. The weather was looking like rain. Also little David wanted to get outside with me. Today is the end of winter. Spring! I just looked at the extended forecast and it looks like rain for most of the week to come. Rats!

Another Saturday....

Here it is! Another Saturday. This one hasn't come as quickly as some others. I guess it is those 4:15 wakeups all week. They made for long days. No spinning class on Saturday morning. In fact the gym doesn't even open till 8am??? That's fine though. I need some recovery. I slept a little better last night. Maybe in a few months time I can get the routine down.

Early to rise...

I managed to get out of bed this morning and go to another spinning class. My motivation, aside from this trip, was the fact that Friday is the last official class of this week. And next week, since I don't work, I can ride outside instead of upstairs. As I sit here I am aware of tiredness. Poor sleep and disruption of routine have made me that way. Only 28 more days till the bike safari. I want to get up to Piedmont next week and ride the Chief Ladiga Trail. I need a road bike ride.

Spinning again....

After a day off, I had a good spinning class this morning. I worked through the exercise well. I believe I am making some good progress in fitness. Tonight I might have to see if I can get Bev back on the treadmill. Have to watch that sore knee. I did too much tension on Tuesday and it is sore.

A day of rest...

I didn't do a spin class this morning. My knee was sore so I made it a recovery day. Maybe I can pick up some exercise tonight to make it up.

Two a day's....

Yesterday I left work a little early and got out to Bull Gap to get in a little ride. Bev had gone to Birmingham with Sara so I was on my own. I expected to not be tip top since I had done the spinning class that morning. I was tired but I climbed well. The fact the road is in better shape may have had a lot to do with that. This morning it was up at 4:15 and up to spinning class, again. I got one of those bikes that tightens down quickly. 3.5 turns and the wheel was so tight I could barely turn it. No organized class tomorrow morning. Maybe I can sleep in.

In the home stretch...

I am in the final month of prep for the riding trip to Florida. My plan to redouble my efforts to get into shape should peak sometime in the next 25 days followed by some rest phases. Yesterday I met Paul Golden to hike up Flag Pole Mountain. That was a pretty good hike. Then that afternoon, I put David in the pack and went up the hill with Bev. Just a short hike. Maybe 1.2 miles up then back down. I showed her a portion of the trail I would be maintaining. This morning, I was back in spinning class. Maybe I can get Bev up to the gym tonight for some treadmill. I've noticed my clothes fitting looser than they have in months. Hurrah!

Hiking, not riding...

Old Sugar and I hiked the section from mile 5 to mile 10. The trail has not been cut there. Mostly we brushwacked. I got pretty tired. It was a blustery windy day. I felt like it wouldn't be very good for riding, too cold, and walked instead. Maybe the sum of the activity will produce the desired result.

Section 9

Yesterday I met Solo for a hike up on the Pinhoti section 9. It took till 12 noon. I saw miles 2 thru 6 or more. It won't be that hard to take care of. This morning it is cold again. Winds are expected to pick up and be quite breezy. I guess Sugar and I will take a walk on another portion of the trail.

Yesterday on the trail...

I went up to see the first part of the new trail. About half way up I met Phillip Alexander and Solo coming down. I am planning on meeting Solo at 8am tomorrow to look at the next few miles. I was really tired after that hike. I thought I was getting into good shape. I found myself mighty sore (Mighty Thor).

Last day at work...

Another sleepless night. This time I fell asleep again around 4am and slept through the first alarm. I need a full day of nothing but kick back rest. Yet I am continuing to ride to get my strength up for the Safari. I have to find some kind of medium I guess. I had hoped to get away early today and go do a short run on the hill. Found out that Joe will be coming in so he won't get here till around 3:30pm. That won't be enough time...or will it? What about a last minute ride tonight? Maybe. David will want to ride the tractor. He asks for it daily. Maybe we can Jeep out to the woods and do a short walk. Take Grammy along too.

A morning at work...

This morning the gym isn't open so I can't go spin. Good! I am tired in my legs and they are sore. I have missed real rides. I have to say they are easier than the simulated kind. I am sitting here hoping this day goes by quickly. Not that there will be much to do. Just really ready for some rest. The sky this morning was a bit brighter. Clearly the days are getting longer. It won't be long till daylight savings time goes into effect. Then there will be enough time in the evenings for some kind of activity.

Dawn patrol....

I spent another night sleepless. Finally I just got up and went to the morning spinning class. Did better today. That sore thigh is getting better. (I fell while out riding with Paul) I need to go do a ride up at Piedmont. Just to get some time in the road bike saddle.

Spinning before dawn...

I finally made one of Steve's classes this morning. It was pretty demanding. I sweated a lot. I hope this makes me fit enough to ride in Florida come April. I am counting down now the days till then. I have only a month left.

No spin zone...

I missed the spinning class last night again. The 6pm class began at 5:30 and was packed out by the time I arrived at 6pm. I stair climbed instead. Bev is walking the treadmill. I will try to do a spin after work today. I wonder if Mike is in Hawaii this month? Haven't heard from him.


I went down to the gym to spin and found the aerobics class in there. I guess I missed the night for the spinning again. I used the stair climber instead. It seemed very easy after spinning and riding.